Meet the Oxen Privacy Tech Foundation

We’re a passionate team of advocates, creatives, and engineers building a world where the internet is open, software is free and accessible, and your privacy is protected.

About OPTF

Partners and Allies


Annual Reports



Transparency Report

Human Rights Declaration

Policies and legals

The OPTF has multiple projects which it manages and supports. We hold high expectations for all employees and partners of the OPTF.

Our team is committed to maintaining the highest standards when it comes to ethical behaviour, honesty and integrity. We pride ourselves in ensuring our workplace and the spaces we communicate and work in are free from discrimniation, abuse or harassment of any kind. We’re careful to ensure our actions don’t result in harm, or propagate disinformation or hate.

The motivation behind what we have built is for the benefit and progress of humanity and our work is underpinned by the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). However we recognise our technologies could also be used by those who seek to undermine those values. While we promote and defend diversity of opinion and freedom of expression, OPTF has a zero-tolerance policy towards those who undermine the principles of the UDHR, or are involved in or assist the activities of violent and extremist individuals and organizations, child sexual exploitation or the exploitation of anyone, or participate in creating, maintaining or promoting platforms that provides space for hate speech and violent content that attacks another group especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.

We also have three main development projects are Session, Oxen, and Lokinet — each of their privacy policies are outlined below.

Session Token Swap Program Disclaimer

Oxen Legals

Session privacy policy

Lokinet privacy policy